camera equipment

2009/09/23 at 3:58 PM
While most people are selling off home items to pay bills, Ive decided thats useless and am going to sell off home items to buy new nikon glass. I to buy anything decent I might have to sell my right arm as well.

First off I need to get a 105macro 2.8D. They run about 400 used. Its to repay the 105 2.0DC lens I have. Which I might add, I love. Oh is it creamy!

Ok, next up is a mid range zoom. Now that ive been spoiled by the 80-200 2.8D, my 60 macro, and the 105 2.0DC, I need a good mid range that is just as sharp as those lenses. Im looking at the 28-70 2.8D. Nevermind that its nicknamed "the beast" and cost 1k used. its one of the sharpest midranges Nikon makes only to be topped by its replacement the 24-70 2.8G. That one is 1500$ easy.

And this doesnt even cover the D700 and the new monitor. Dang I need a money tree.

So, time to start rummaging through the closet and see what I can ebay to pay for all this wonderfull ness....


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