So, Im looking into filters. The first thought is dont put cheap glass in front of expensive glass! I dont. I regularly use my singh ray and B+W filters for minimal effects and would much rather have things done in camera than in post. I know it goes either way, but for me its just easier in camera. I guess there is something to be said for having some restrictions placed on what I can do and that forcing creativity?
(Source: Lee filters)
Presently Im looking into softening filters like Lee filters black net 2 filter. Heres the reference example. I guess its essentially tulle (tool) and originally made for movie cameras to soften the lens. But, then the argument of why not just do it in Photoshop comes in (slap yourself a la Zack). That perticular filter runs $75.00. I guess this means a DIY tulleproject should be coming down the pipes. Ill post more when I start doing research.
Heres the link to the product on the Lee site