As I was looking I came across a recent listing for Hasselblad and Profoto gear. Well the Hassy gear was a bit high priced for my taste, but the profoto gear was an amazing deal. So, I communicated with the seller, a nice gentleman who owns a design firm, Ron Taft.
Photos from
I ended up with 2 compact plus 600 monoblocks, an accute2 1200R generator, a D4 ringlight , and tons of accessories. All this for not much more than my aliens bee investment. Well, maybe a little more. But, Ive got some stuff Im getting rid of that should more than cover the cost. Needless to say, the light is beautiful. Ive got a few shoots this weekend (3/21/10) that should see some use of the new gear. This effectively puts an end to my medium format budget for now, but oh what wonderful light!